Sentence Structures

important links for sentence structures


1. Use specific nouns and verbs in a noun-verb sentence
Fire belched from the dragon’s mouth.

2. Use specific nouns and verbs in a noun-verb-noun sentence
The car crusher devoured the wrecked cars.

3. Interrogative—ask a question
What steps do good writers follow to produce a good work?

4. Open with an adverb
Noisily, the mosquitoes buzzed around our heads.

5. Open with a prepositional phrase.
During the day the robber hid in a dingy basement apartment.

6. Use an appositive
Claude Monet, a French Impressionist, painted many outdoor scenes.

7. Open with an adverb clause
Because Renoir painted many oils of clowns, people often recognize his work.

8. Close with an adverb clause
Hulk Hogan will run for President of the United States after he retires from wrestling.

9. Use Parallel structure in words
Mom bought chips, soda, and pickles for the picnic.

10. Use parallel structure in phrases and clauses
Fabio drew her to him, whispered in her ear, and asked for change for the soda machine.

11. Open with an adjective
Angry, the child threw the toy across the room.

12. Open with an adjective phrase
Afloat with confidence, the homecoming queen tripped on the steps.

13. Open with a present infinitive
To prevent a mess, the chef covered the counter with wax paper.

14. Open with a present participle
Gazing at the ballerinas, Degas planned his next painting.

15. Open with a past participle
Known as a landscape painter, Monet gave a shimmering quality to his artwork.

16. Open with a perfect participle
Having kissed her father’s forehead, the teenager snatched the car keys and headed outside.

17. Use a restrictive adjective clause
This morning the technician tossed the computer that never worked into the dumpster.

18. Use a non-restrictive adjective clause
Our art class studied the paintings of Seaurat, who developed a technique called pointillism.

19. Compound sentence with a coordinating conjunction
The right tackle must stop the quarter back, or we will lose this game.

20. Compound Sentence with a semi-colon
Zeus blasted a lightning bolt from the sky; Io had made him angry.

21. Compound sentence with a conjunctive adverb
Van Gogh suffered from severe mental problems; nevertheless, his still-lifes and landscapes hang in the world’s greatest museums.

22. Compound sentence with an elliptical expression
Darby played a musical number by Bach; Joan, one by Mozart.

23. Use a parenthetical expression between subject and verb
Gaugin, inspired by the island of Tahiti, used bold colors while painting.

24. Open with a parallel structure followed by a closing statement
Chocolate, good books, and motorcycles—all of these bring a smile to our teacher’s face.

All Students Will:
Participate while the class analyzes the sentence pattern
Work with a peer group to write 5 sentences that follow the pattern
Individually write 20 sentences that follow the pattern

All sentences must be perfect:  no errors in spelling, punctuation, or style.
No weak verbs are allowed.
Nouns must always be specific:  no pronouns.

SP 1: Independent Clause (IC)  SP 2: Adjective(s), IC.  SP 3: Adverb + adverb, IC.
SP 4: Prepositional phrase, IC SP 5: Present participial phrase,IC. SP 6: Past participial phrase,IC
SP 7: Appositive Phrase, IC. SP 8: IC, conjunction  IC. (or IC; IC.) SP 9: IC,conj. adv, IC.
SP 10: Adj(s), IC, conj  adv, IC. SP 11: IC + DC (adj clause). (or DC, IC.) SP 12: Adverb Clauses
SP 13: Using Whom (vs. who) SP 14:Using Who’s and Whose SP 15: Writing Dialogue
SP 16:Using Colons to List SP 17: Parallel Structure SP 18: Similes & Metaphors
SP-19: Using Possessives SP-20: SP-17 + SP-19  Sentence Pattern Review 1-20
  • An independent clause (IC) is a complete sentence that can stand alone.
  • An independent clause is a complete thought.
  • An IC must have BOTH a subject (noun or pronoun) and a verb (action word).
         The grizzly devoured the salmon.
         The bear plunked down.
  • An IC can also contain adjectives, adverbs, and prepositional phrases. 
         The weak, hungry grizzly greedily devoured the salmon.
         The weary bear lazily plunked down for a nap.  
SENTENCE PATTERN 2:  Adjective + adjective, IC.
IC = subject + verb
  • This pattern begins with one or more adjectives, followed by IC (S+V).
  • An adjective describes a noun or pronoun.
Here are just a few examples of adjectives:
colorful    blue    sparkling    beautiful    shiny    clear    immaculate    rocky    courageous    soft    pink    bright    cute    dark    hungry    rebellious
gigantic    purple    filthy    fuzzy     rough    tiny    prickly    clean    spotless    radiant    peculiar   miniscule     evil    precarious    dandy    hyperactive    gorgeous       ecstatic    gloomy    mischievous     caring    huge    demonic    seamy    professional    ugly    hideous    strategic    lazy    frilly    microscopic    lacy    spectacular    amazing    devious    heinous    awesome        disgusting    slimy    freezing     dexterous         
  • In SP-2, the adjectives must describe the subject of the sentence when they come before the IC.
  • Examples:
Lazy but clever, the student contrived a colorful excuse for his missing homework.
NOT:   The lazy, clever student contrived....
Subversive and seamy, the terrorists attacked New York City on September 11, 2001.
NOT:  The subversive, seamy terrorists attacked...
Skillful and  dexterous, baseball players generally catch pop flies  and line drives.
   NOT:  The skillful and dexterous baseball players...
  • This pattern begins with two adverbs, followed by a comma and then the IC.
  • An adverb modifies a verb.  It tells how, when, where, or to what extent the action took place.
  • Adverbs  Open this link for more information about adverbs.
  • List of adverbs  Open this link for a list of adverbs.
Hungrily and greedily, the grizzly devoured the salmon. 
(How did the grizzly devour?)
NOT:  Hungry and greedy, the grizzly devoured the salmon.
            (Hungry and greedy are adjectives.)
Suddenly but quietly, the bear plunked down for a nap. 
(When and how did the bear plunk?)
NOT:  Sudden and quiet, the bear plunked...
Lucidly and placidly, the gigantic football player meditated into a deep trance near the tranquil pond and cleared his troubled mind.
Skillfully and subversively, the adversary of Harry Potter, Voldemort, eradicated his enemies who plotted against him.
Lazily but gracefully, the lethargic sloth climbed back up the massive pine tree. (AM class, 2012)

but deviously, Jessie contrived an excuse for being late that would placate his mother.(PM class, 2012)
  • This pattern begins with a prepositional phrase, followed by an independent clause.
  • Prepositions begin a phrase that is followed by an object (noun or pronoun).
        Examples:  under, before, after, for, to, from, in, out, beneath, at, despite
  • A prepositional phrase contains a preposition and the object of the preposition.
        Examples:  under the bed, before school, in the closet, after the storm
  • Prepositional phrases describe nouns or verbs.
Under the bed, the cat hid from its owner. (Where did the cat hide?)
     After the storm, the sun came out, forming a rainbow. (When …?)
    With great care, the veterinarian removed the thorn from the tiger's paw.
        (How did the veterinarian remove the thorn?)
  • If the prepositional phrase precedes the IC, it must describe the subject or verb of the IC (not some other noun or verb in the sentence).
    Advanced SP-4:  Prepositional phrase, IC DC, IC
    Open these links for more help:

  • This pattern begins with a present participial phrase, followed by the independent clause.
  • A present participial phrase begins with a present participle.
  • A present participle is a verb form that ends in -ing and functions as an adjective. 
  • In SP-5, the Ppp describes the subject of the IC.
  • Examples:  running, yelling, sleeping, daring, intending, jumping, walking, crying, staggering, strolling, sprinting, wailing, whimpering, bawling, striving, bowling, illuminating, dying, riding, risking
  • A present participial phrase has a present participle followed by an adverb(s) or prepositional phrase or some other words.
  • Running down the hill, the dog chased the cat.
  • Yelling loudly, Bob clung to the broken branch dangling above the river.
  • Daring his friend to jump too, Bert leaped into the swollen river.
  • Striving to do his best, Johnny Tremain was adept at being a silversmith but became melancholy when his hand was crippled and he was no longer dexterous.
  • Sailing to Cuba, the affluent Spaniard sold slaves to plantation owners, though some were sent to the slave market in Havana. (AM Class 2012)
  • Running on the deck of the Moonlight, Ben Stout acted as a liaison between the captain and the crew. (PM Class 2012-13)
  • Monitoring the ship's inhabitants, ...
  • Fulfilling the captain's orders, ...
  • Shouting across the deck, ...
  • Walking on the deck in the moonlight, ...
  • Strolling on the deck while becalmed, ...

  • This sentence pattern is similar to sentence pattern 5, but the participle is in the past tense (-ed) instead of the present tense (-ing).
  • Past participles are verb forms in the past tense form that act like adjectives.  Regular verbs end in -ed.
Examples:  exhausted, famished, stripped, bleached, crazed
  • These verbs function as adjectives.  They describe the subject of the IC.
    Uninhabited a few days earlier, the shore was now crowded with grizzlies.
WRONG:  Crazed with hunger, the shore was lined with grizzlies.
RIGHT:    Crazed with hunger,  the grizzlies lined the shore.
Exhausted from fishing all day, the bear plunked down for a nap.
Stripped clean by hungry grizzlies, salmon bones now littered the shore.
Crazed with jealousy, Bob raced recklessly to his girlfriend's house when he heard Bert was taking her to the dance.  
Freed from ignorance and superstition, Enlightenment thinkers postulated that natural laws governed society.
  • This pattern contains an appositive phrase, followed by the Independent Clause (IC).
  • An appositive is a noun or pronoun that renames another noun or pronoun that immediately precedes or follows it. 
  • Examples:
The grizzly, a predator, eats fish.  appositive AFTER the noun

A predator, the grizzly eats fish.   appositive BEFORE the noun
Sam, my brother, is exasperating.  appositive AFTER the noun              
My brother, Sam, is exasperating.  appositive AFTER the noun
Harry Potter, a literary character, is well known. appositive phrase AFTER... A literary character ,Harry Potter is well known.
appositive phrase BEFORE..
  • An appositive can be used with any noun in the sentence, not just the subject of the sentence.
          Example: Cassie Logan, a nine-year-old African-American, despised Lillian Jean, an uppity white girl.         
  • An appositive phrase contains an appositive and at least one adjective or a prepositional phrase.  
The grizzly, a fearless predator, eats little meat other than fish. 
Sam, my pesky little brother, is exasperating.  
My pesky little brother, Sam, is exasperating.
A pesky little brother, Sam is exasperating.

George, one of Michael's friends, was not placid during the last test; he was so nervous and jittery that he failed.            
The infamous Joker, an evil adversary of Batman and Robin, caused much mayhem in Gotham City.
The Nazis, brutal, evil people, were ruthless and chaotic, planning subversive attacks on their innocent adversaries, the Jews.
  • COMMA RULES:  Study the above examples.  Notice when and where commas are used.  Commas surround an appositive (phrase) when it comes after the subject or another noun in the sentence.
  • When the appositive (phrase) precedes the IC, it is followed by a comma.  
A fearless predator, the grizzly eats little meat other than fish.  
A pesky little brother,
Sam is exasperating.
A well-known author,
Shel Silverstein  writes children’s poetry.
A well-known character, Harry Potter  is an adventurous young man.  
AM Class Example:  John Hancock, an arrogant delegate at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, treated people like they were his lackeys.
HOMEWORK: due Wed. (1st draft) and Friday (revised copy)
* 10 sentences using SP-7 and vocab. 51-60
* Must relate to SS Ch 3 (and We the People Units 3 and 4)
  • In this pattern, there are two independent clauses.
  • Each independent clause has BOTH a subject and a verb and could stand alone because they are each complete sentences.
  • Comma Rule:  Use a comma with a coordinating conjunction (and, or, but) to join the IC’s or use a semi-colon only.
    The insatiable grizzly devoured the salmon, and its belly was soon bulging.
The insatiable grizzly devoured the salmon; its belly was soon bulging.
    Flamboyant Bob went to the movies, but bashful Bert rented a video.  
Flamboyant Bob went to the movies; bashful Bert rented a video.  
   John was asked to deliver an impromptu speech, and his mind raced with fear.  
   John was asked to deliver an impromptu speech; his mind raced with fear.
After his tummy tuck, Peter Griffin looked very emaciated, but his family preferred him chubby rather than gaunt.
Ms. Real  allowed her students to chew bubble gum in class, and the principal fired her for being too permissive.
Some ICs have compound subjects or compound verbs but they are not compound sentences (SP-8).  These are NOT SP-8:
    S + V + V.  (no comma needed)  The foolish caveman killed the mammoth but spared the saber-tooth tiger's life!
    S + S + V.  (no comma needed)  The cave-bear and saber-tooth tiger attacked the barbaric caveman simultaneously.
Each IC has a S + V.   THESE are SP-8:
IC, but IC.  The foolish caveman killed the mammoth, but he spared the saber-tooth tiger's life!
IC; IC.        The foolish caveman killed the wooly mammoth; the mammoth was not an adversary but a meal!   
HOMEWORK DIRECTIONS: Relate all five sentences to any of the five plays or the short stories.  Write at least one sentence for each of the following:  IC, and IC.  IC, but IC.   IC, or IC.   IC; IC.
SP 9 =SP-3 + SP-8!
SP 9 = IC, conjunction adverb, IC.

IC = Independent Clause = a complete sentence with a subject (S) and a verb (V)
Adverb = a word that tells how, when, or where the action (verb) occurs
Comma Rules: 
* Use a comma and a conjunction (and, or, but, so) to join two Independent Clauses (IC's).                                                        
* When an adverb precedes an IC, use a comma.
EX: Angrily, Bob protested.
Example:  Pluto stepped in a puddle, and slowly, murky water permeated his shoes.
Example:  Suddenly, a calamity struck the mid-western town, but everyone survived the tornado unharmed.
** You can also reverse this pattern, like this:  Adverb, IC, conjunction IC.
Example:  Yesterday, a tornado struck the mid-western town, and the calamity took many lives.
Example:  Unknowingly, Bojangles walked into a ghetto, and suddenly, he was immersed in a world of gangs and graffiti.
* This week, use five unit 9 spelling words to write your sentences using SP-9.
1st draft due Wed.  Final copy due Friday (edited, revised, typed or recopied in INK).
SP 10 is a combination of SP 2, 3, and 8!
SP 10 = Adj + adj, IC, conjunction adverb, IC.
SP 10 = Adj + adj, subject + verb, conjunction adverb, subject + verb.

Ex:  Gaunt and weak, the model staggered down the runway, and suddenly, she collapsed.
Ex:  Careful and concerned, Beatrice borrowed her friend's boat, but unfortunately, a renegade rowboat rammed into it during the raging storm.
EX:  Lonely and depressed, the nomad traveled down a hill on his bike, and hopefully, he was trying to find a new home.
SP 11 = IC + adj DC (adjective Dependent Clause)
adj DC = a dependent clause that begins with a relative pronoun as the subject
        This clause functions as an adjective because it describes a noun.

Relative Pronoun = a pronoun that relates to a noun in the IC (any noun): that, which, who, whose, whom
Comma Rules:
1.  If the adj DC is extra information, use commas
2.  If the adj DC is essential information, use NO commas
3.  If the relative pronoun used is "that," use NO commas.
    Ex:  Joe ate a deplorable pizza that was moldy, and it made him sick.
4.  If the relative pronoun used is "which," use commas.  (IC DAC, and IC.)
    Ex:   Joe ate a deplorable pizza, which was moldy, and then drank a gallon of Gatorade.  (IC, adj DC, IC continued.
5.  For who, whose, or whom give it the extra or essential test.
Ex: Stout, who was a cruel, sadistic man, threw a slave overboard.(extra info)
 Ex: Cawthorne was another cruel man who was the captain of the Moonlight.
(essential info)
Ex: Jane read a book that was 500 pages long in just three days(essential info)
Ex: Jane read a book, which was 500 pages long, and then wrote a book report.  (extra info)
* When you write these sentences for homework, underline the subjects and verbs in both the IC and the adj DC.  Remember, the relative pronoun is the subject of the adj DC.  
Five sentences due 11/21/13 (1st draft)  
Final, TYPED revised copy due 11/22/13.
Use vocab words 56-60; sentences must relate to Poe, his works, or SS.

Underline ALL subjects & verbs in ICs and
adj DC.
Highlight the
adj DC in yellow.
Highlight the vocab word in another color.

Use each rule (and relative pronoun) at least once: that, which, who.

SP 12: Adverb Clauses (DC, IC.   -or-    IC + DC.)
* An adverb clause is a dependent clause (DC) that tells how, when, where, or why the action (verb) takes place. 
* All clauses have a
subject and a verb, even DCs.
* An adverb clause begins with
SUBORDINATING CONJUNCTION such as before, after, because, so, when, while  or a  (see Language Network p. 192).  Some adverbs are also subordinating conjunctions.  (Coordinating conjunctions- and, or, but-  join two IC's.  Subordinating conjunctions join a DC to an IC.)  See Conjunctions for more information.
Comma Rules:
    1.  If the DC (adverb clause) precedes the IC, use a comma.   (DC, IC.)
    2.  If the IC precedes the DC (adverb clause), use NO comma.  (IC + DC.)
    1.  Because he was famished, Bob ate an entire extra-large pizza.   (DC, IC.)  COMMA REQUIRED
2.  Bob ate an entire extra-large pizza because he was an insatiable glutton.  (IC + DC.)  NO COMMA
    3. The teacher rescinded her offer to give us ten points after we got our parent's signature on the test.   (IC + DC.) NO COMMA

SP 13:  Using whom (vs. who or whose) in Interrogative Sentences
Write questions using whom to rename a noun which functions as an object in the answer.)  Hint:  To determine the parts of speech, write or think about the answer to the question.  What is the subject?  Verb?  Direct object? (or object of a prepostion)?  These words will play the same role in the question format.

Whom is always used as a direct object or the object of a preposition when renaming a person or group of people. (Otherwise, use what.)
    1. Direct object: Use whom to rename the direct object in a question.
did you call?
         (Answer: I called JoeJoe is a direct object.)
        Whom did you pay for the dance tickets?
        (Answer:  I paid Dave for the dance tickets.  Dave is a direct object.)
    2. Object of preposition: Use whom to rename the object of a prepostion.
            To whom did you speak?  (NOT: Whom did you speak to?)
             (Answer: I spoke to JoeJoe is the object of a preposition.)
            You gave my number to whom ?
            (Answer: I gave your number to Joe.)
Q:  Whom are Joe and his friends, a group of fourteen-year-old athletes, savvy about
Q:  Joe and his friends, a group of fourteen-year-old athletes, are very savvy about whom?
A:  Joe and his friends, a group of fourteen year-old athletes, are very savvy about soccer players.
* Who is always used as a subject or a predicate pronoun (a pronoun that follows the verb).  We used who (and that or which) is SP 11.
    Subject of IC: Who called the power company?
    Subject of DC: The person who hit my car should have to pay to fix the damages.
    Predicate Pronoun: The electrician is who?
Go to this Website to find out more about the use of who, whose, and whom:
        Find and read Basic Principle # 5.  For more help, take one or more of the quizzes at the bottom of this Website and check your answers.  Use the HINTS provided to learn the rules.

Write 2-3 interrogative sentences (questions) using whose correctly and 2-3 using who’s correctly.  Use one vocabulary word from Week 13 in each sentence. 
whose = a possessive pronoun showing ownership  (Whose book is this?  This book is mine.)
who’s = who is (Who’s going to the dance?  Everyone is going to the dance.)     Who = the subject;  is = the verb
(The only problem most writers have with whose is confusing it with who's, which looks like a possessive but is really the contraction for who is.  In the same way that we should not confuse his with he's (he is) or hers with she's (she is) or its with it's (it is), we should not confuse whose with who's.)
For example:
Who's that walking down the street?
Whose coat is this? (This is whose coat?)
    I don't care whose paper this is.  It's brilliant!
Whose can be used to refer to inanimate objects as well as to people (although there is a kind of folk belief that it should refer only to humans and other mammals): "I remember reading a book — whose title I can't recall right now — about a boy and a basenji." SP 15: Writing Dialogue
Here are three ways to use speaker tags and quotation marks with dialogue:
1) The speaker tags come before the dialogue:
   EX:  Mary moaned, "That eerie haunted house gave me nightmares."
          ____ _____, "__________________________________."
2) The speaker tags come after the dialogue:
"That eerie haunted house gave me nightmares," moaned Mary.

" Did that eerie haunted house give you nightmares?" questioned Mary.
"____________________________?" _______ ______.
" That eerie haunted house gave me nightmares!" exclaimed Mary.
           "__________________________________!"  ______ ____.
3) The speaker tags come in the middle of the dialogue, in the middle of a sentence:
     EX:  "That eerie haunted house," moaned Mary, "gave me nightmares."
            "___________________," ______ ____, "______________."

            "___________________," wondered _____, "______________?"
           "___________________," declared_____, "______________!"
4)  "Sometimes my teacher can be a kibitzer," complained Fred. "She often tells us to go to bed early."

Write 6 sentences using Week 15 Vocabulary words (+and one other vocabulary word from the past weeks).  Use the four ways described above at least once each.  Underline the subjects and verbs in both the dialogue and the speaker tags, e.g."That eerie haunted house gave me nightmares, " moaned Mary. Check for correct placement of quotation marks, commas, periods and capital letters.  Make sure each sentence is 12 words or more, including the speaker tags.   
SP 16: Using Colons in Sentences to List
Use a colon (:) in a sentence when listing objects, people, places, activities, etc.
Never place a colon between the subject and the verb.
Example: We need the following items for school: pens, paper, pencils, and scissors.
    Wrong:  For school we need: pens, paper, pencils, and scissors.
        Why?  When the list immediately follows a verb, no colon is needed.

Example: Robin Williams impersonates these people: Bill Clinton, George Bush, and Bill Gates.
    Wrong: Robin Williams impersonates: Bill Clinton, George Bush, and Bill Gates.
        Why? When the list immediately follows a verb, no colon is needed.

Example:  Many people work in government positions: members of the judicial branch, heads of the president's cabinets, and representatives in Congress.  (Use parallel structure. See SP-18)
Example: Proper etiquette includes the following: listen to others, raise your hand to speak, and wait to be called on.
    Wrong: Proper etiquette includes: listening to others, raising your hand to speak, and waiting to be called on.
        Why? When the list immediately follows a verb, no colon is needed.

SP 16 Using Colons to List (in Parallel Structure):
Here are some materials that are inflexible: a piece (of wood), a slab (of granite), and a block (of cement).
Many activities occur in a ghetto: basketball, bootlegging, and gambling.
These chores are very mundane: doing laundry, emptying the trash, vacuuming the carpet, and washing the dishes.

Sentence Pattern 17: Using Parallel Structure
Copy and paste this lesson into your Lang. Arts spiral (grammar section) and do the "Homework" exercises below.
Parallel Structure
For additional help using parallel structure, see Capital Community College Guide to Grammar and Writing

                Coordinated ideas must use the same verb tense or structure.  (These examples are taken from PUSD's Writing Manuel.)
Wrong: We learned how to change a tire, shift sixteen gears, and once almost ran the truck off the road.  
Correct: We learned how to change a tire, shift sixteen gears, and keep the truck from running off the road. 

(All the infinitives and direct objects are parallel.)

Wrong: I have mowed the lawn, washed the dog, rescued our hamster, and gone to the store all in one day.
Correct:  I mowed the lawn, washed the dog, rescued our hamster, and went to the store all in one day. 

(All the verbs are parallel)  
Wrong: Water skiing no longer interests me as much as going scuba diving.  
Correct: Water skiing no longer interests me as much as scuba diving.  
When you include two or more similar thoughts in the same sentence, they should be constructed in a similar way.  Similar construction is called "parallel structure."  There are many situations when parallel structure is used.  Here's a few:
1.  If one item in a series is listed as a prepositional phrase, the others should be in a prepositional phrase also.
    GOOD example:  After a game of soccer, Bob quaffs a gallon
of Gatorade, a quart of Quencher, and a pint of prune juice.
NOT: ...Bob quaffs a gallon of Gatorade, a quart of Quencher, and some prune juice.
AM example:  Bill was so famished that he could eat the hind leg of a cow, the tongue of a pig, and the brain of a monkey.
PM example: The hostile mercenary was as sneaky as James Bond, as delirious as a drunken hobo, and as merciless as the Grim Reaper.   

2.  If one clause of a sentence is in ACTIVE voice, the other clause should also be in ACTIVE voice (not PASSIVE), i.e. all clauses should be in the same voice, ACTIVE or PASSIVE.
    GOOD example:  Bob
participated in three events and won awards in all three.
    NOT:  Bob
participated in three events and was awarded a prize in all three.

AM example:  An alien immigrated to America and applied for citizenship.  WRONG:  An alien immigrated (active voice) to America and was given citizenship (passive voice).
PM example: The fickle teacher impetuously offered to give her PM students a hundred dollars each if they washed her car, but she rescinded the offer when the principal offered to buy her a new Mercedes Benz.  (IC + DC, but IC + DC.)

3.  If listing a series of actions (verbs) in a sentence, use the same verb tense.
    Example:  Whenever he
feels melancholy, Bob runs on the beach, plays tennis, sees an upbeat movie, or calls a friend.   (All verbs are in present tense.)
    NOT:  ..., Bob
runs on the beach, plays tennis, saw an upbeat movie, or calls a friend.  (Saw is in past tense.)
4.  There are lots of other situations in writing that require parallel structure.  It's hard to classify all of them.  Here's a few other examples of parallel structure.
    Right:  Fearing failure, Bob began
trembling, sweating, and vomiting.
    Wrong:  ..., Bob began
trembling, sweating, and he vomited.
    Right: Because Bob became an investigative reporter, he asked
where the accident occurred, when it occurred, and why it occurred.
    Wrong: ...., he asked
where the accident occurred, when it occurred, and the reason it occurred.

SP 17 Homework:  Underline the correct ending for each sentence below.
1.  The movie Catch Me If You Can featured a character who was daring, racy, and...
(a) ...intelligent.    (b) ...used his intelligence.
2.  Leonardo DiCaprio portrayed a charlatan who impersonated others, accepted jobs he was not qualified to do, and...   (a) ...put others in perilous situations.  (b)...others were put in perilous situations.
3.  Before the 10-mile run began, Fritz ate a protein bar and...  (a)...quaffed a jug of Gatorade.     (b)...will quaff a jug of Gatorade.
4.  "Don't mock me and ... (a) ...don't mock others," warned the principal.   (b)'s not nice to mock others," warned the principal.
5.  Finding herself in a perilous predicament, Porsha decided she should retrace her steps, find a map,and..
   (a)...take a safer route.   (b)...a safer route was found.

SP 18: Writing Similes & Metaphors
Write a sentence for each vocabulary word which uses a simile or metaphor.  Each sentence must have 12+ words.  Edit all spelling, punctuation, capitalization.  Use vocabulary words meaningfully.  Highlight or box vocab. word.
    Simile:  My teacher gives as much advice as a kibitzer because she tells us every day to work hard and prioritize academics.
    Metaphor:  My teacher is a kibitzer who tells us every day to work hard and prioritize academics.
    Simile:  The clouds were like white snow balls, dancing across the sky..
    Metaphor:  The clouds were white snow balls, dancing across the sky.

SP-19:  Using Possessive Nouns (from PUSD’s Writing With Style Manual)
Write one sentence for each of the six rules shown below.  Each sentence must use one of this week's vocabulary words.

1. Add an apostrophe and an s to form the possessive of singular nouns, even if the noun ends in s:  
Bob Dylan’s voice       
the kiss’s meaning
Dickens’s novels  
2. Add only an apostrophe to form the possessive of plural nouns ending in s.  If the plural does not end in s, add ‘s to form the possessive:  
the Joneses’ father
the Padres’ last game
children’s library
3. For the possessive form of a compound noun or an indefinite pronoun, place an apostrophe and an s after the last word:  
mother-in-law’s apartment
Secretary of State’s telephone  
someone else’s 
4. Possessive personal pronouns (his, hers, its, ours, yours, theirs and the relative pronoun whose) do not require an apostrophe.  
Remember that the word immediately before the apostrophe is the owner:  
parent’s car = one parent owns
boss’ office = one boss owns  
parents’ car = two parents own            
bosses’ office = many bosses own  
5. When ownership is shared, the apostrophe is also shared; use the possessive form only on the last item in a series to indicate shared ownership:  
  • Caitlin, Chris, and Joshua’s house = the house is shared by all three  
6. When ownership is individual, each noun in a series gets its own individual apostrophe and s:  
  • Caitlin’s, Chris’s, and Joshua’s jackets = each has his or her own jacket  
Write five sentences that use possessive nouns (SP-19) AND parallel structure (SP-18).  Review each of these sentence patterns above and study the examples below.

1.  John Steinbeck's novel,The Pearl, contains many examples of imagery and illustrates multiple themes.

2.  My three friends' favorite sports are snowboarding at Big Bear, snorkeling in La Jolla, and playing basketball at the YMCA.
3.  The Secretary of Defense's responsibilities are to  serve as a liaison between the military and the president and advise the president on military preparedness.

Sentence Pattern 1-20 Review

The Art of Styling Sentences
, 4
Edition by Ann Longknife and K.D. Sullivan
Sentence Patterns 1
Pattern 1
Compound Sentence: Semicolon, No Conjunction (two short, related sentences now joined)
My forefathers didn’t come over on the Ma
yflower; they met the boat.
Will Rogers
Pattern 1a
; conjunctive adverb (however/hence/therefore/thus/then/moreover/
This car looks as if it has been wrecke
d; therefore, it’s not a good buy.
Pattern 1b
, coordinating conjunction (FANBOYS)
It was the right color; it fit, and it was cheap.
Pattern 1c
John got an A; Jennie also got an A; unfortunately George got a C.
Pattern 2: Compound Sentence With Elliptical Construction (comma indicates the omitted verb)
S V DO or SC (subject complement)
S , DO or SC
Bill played a musical number by Bach; Joan, one by Beethoven.
Pattern 3: Compound Sentence With Explanatory Statement (clauses separated by a colon)
General statement (idea)
specific statement (e
(an independent clause) (an independent clause)
Remember Yogi Berra’s advice: It ain’t over till it’s over.
Pattern 4: A Series Without a Conjunction (a series in any place in the sentence)
A, B, C
Their friendship has endured, in spite of arguments, boyfriends, distance.
Pattern 4a: A Series With a Variation
A or B or C
. (in any place in the sentence)
A and B and C
. (in any place in the sentence)
Even though he is smart, I have never seen Keith arrogant or annoyed or impatient.
Pattern 5: A Series of Balanced Pairs (note the rhythm)
A and B , C and D , E and F
be in any slot in the sentence)
Antony and Cleopatra, Romeo and Juliet, Tristan and Isolde, Lancelot and Guinevere were
all famous lovers in literature.
Pattern 6: An Introductory Series of Appositives (with a dash and a summarizing subject)
Appositive, appositive, appositive
summary word S V
(Summarizing word =
such, all, those, this, many, each, which, what, these, something, someone
Mickey Mouse, Magic, Mountain, the Light Parade
these mean Disneyland to children
Pattern 7: An Internal Series of Appositives or Modifiers (enclosed by a pair of dashes or parentheses)
appositive, appositive, appositive
( modifier, modifier, modifier )
On our trip to Italy, the major sights
the Vatican in Rome, the Duomo in Florence, the
tower in Pisa
didn’t impress us as much as the food an
d the kindness of the people.
Pattern 7a: A Variation: A Single Appositive or a Pair
( appositive )
or or
(Use two dashes or parentheses or commas to enclose this appositive.)
My grandfather’s motto
take that extra step

The Art of Styling Sentences
, 4
Edition by Ann Longknife and K.D. Sullivan
Sentence Patterns 1
Pattern 1
Compound Sentence: Semicolon, No Conjunction (two short, related sentences now joined)
My forefathers didn’t come over on the Ma
yflower; they met the boat.
Will Rogers
Pattern 1a
; conjunctive adverb (however/hence/therefore/thus/then/moreover/
This car looks as if it has been wrecke
d; therefore, it’s not a good buy.
Pattern 1b
, coordinating conjunction (FANBOYS)
It was the right color; it fit, and it was cheap.
Pattern 1c
John got an A; Jennie also got an A; unfortunately George got a C.
Pattern 2: Compound Sentence With Elliptical Construction (comma indicates the omitted verb)
S V DO or SC (subject complement)
S , DO or SC
Bill played a musical number by Bach; Joan, one by Beethoven.
Pattern 3: Compound Sentence With Explanatory Statement (clauses separated by a colon)
General statement (idea)
specific statement (e
(an independent clause) (an independent clause)
Remember Yogi Berra’s advice: It ain’t over till it’s over.
Pattern 4: A Series Without a Conjunction (a series in any place in the sentence)
A, B, C
Their friendship has endured, in spite of arguments, boyfriends, distance.
Pattern 4a: A Series With a Variation
A or B or C
. (in any place in the sentence)
A and B and C
. (in any place in the sentence)
Even though he is smart, I have never seen Keith arrogant or annoyed or impatient.
Pattern 5: A Series of Balanced Pairs (note the rhythm)
A and B , C and D , E and F
be in any slot in the sentence)
Antony and Cleopatra, Romeo and Juliet, Tristan and Isolde, Lancelot and Guinevere were
all famous lovers in literature.
Pattern 6: An Introductory Series of Appositives (with a dash and a summarizing subject)
Appositive, appositive, appositive
summary word S V
(Summarizing word =
such, all, those, this, many, each, which, what, these, something, someone
Mickey Mouse, Magic, Mountain, the Light Parade
these mean Disneyland to children
Pattern 7: An Internal Series of Appositives or Modifiers (enclosed by a pair of dashes or parentheses)
appositive, appositive, appositive
( modifier, modifier, modifier )
On our trip to Italy, the major sights
the Vatican in Rome, the Duomo in Florence, the
tower in Pisa
didn’t impress us as much as the food an
d the kindness of the people.
Pattern 7a: A Variation: A Single Appositive or a Pair
( appositive )
or or
(Use two dashes or parentheses or commas to enclose this appositive.)
My grandfather’s motto
take that extra step
guided him and now guides me.

Pattern 8: Dependent Clauses in a Pair or in a Series (at beginning or end of sentence)
, if
then S V
, when
, when
, that
, that
(omit the third clause and have just two, if you w
If he had the money, if he had the time, if he had a companion, he would take that trip around
the world
Pattern 9: Repetition of a Key Term
S V key term
repeated key term
(use dash or comma before repetition)
Repeated term:
may become
may become
may become
We all have problems but we can find a solution, a solution that works, a solut
ion that is
Pattern 9a: A Variation: Same Word Repeated in Parallel Structure
S V repeated key word in same position of the sentence
The Thinker
presents the perfect figure in the perfect pose.
If y
ou have unrealistic dreams, you may need to find other goals, other desires.
: Emphatic Appositives at End, After a Colon
S V word
the appositive (the second naming)
(with or without modifiers)
Her room contained a collection of trash: old clothes, soda cans, McDonald’s wrappers.
Pattern 10a: A Variation: Appositive (single or pair or series) After a Dash
the appositive
(echoed idea or second naming)
Pandas eat only one food
bamboo shoots.
Example: E
mail is wonderful and so easy to send but also represents a major problem
answering it.
Pattern 11: Interrupting Modified Between S and V
_ S
_ , modifier , _
_ S
_ S
_ (modifier that whispers) _
A small drop of ink, falling (as Byron said) like
dew upon a thought, can make millions think.
once feared and killed
are being reintroduced into the environment.
Relaxation and informality are important parts of our fantasies about life in a tropical
paradise, and once you
get accustomed to having twenty people waiting on you hand foot (it doesn’t
take very long), you no longer feel like a guest.
Pattern 11a: A Full Sentence (statement or question or exclamation) as Interrupting Modifier
a full sentence
(a full sentence)
Juliet’s famous question
early in the balcony scene she asks,
Wherefore art thou
is often misunderstood; she meant not
One of Thoreau’s most famous analogies
If a man does not keep pace with his
companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music he hears,
however measured or far away.
echoes Shakespeare’s advice that we should be true to ourselves.
NOTE: Here the statem
ent before the dash is a quotation, and the period is correct.
He leaped at the chance (too impetuously, I thought) to go whitewater rafting.
Pattern 12:
Introductory or Concluding Participles
Participial phrase
, _
______ .
__________ ,
Participial phrase
Persevering, determined to succeed, driven by wanderlust, blest with discipline, the pioneers
forged a civilization out of a wilderness
(present regular),
(past regular),
(past irregular),
(past irregular)]

Pattern 13:
A Single Modifier Out of Place for Emphasis
, ______
______ .
(modifier may be in other positions)
Inside, the child was noisy
. (NOTE: the comma is
Frantic, the young hiker rushed over with the rescue rope
The general demand absolute obedience, ins
tant and unquestioning
All day the walkers sweated in the sun, pleased that they were walking for a good cause
preventing breast cancer
Pattern 14: Prepositional Phrase Before S and V
Prepositional phrase
S V (or
V S)
After a long pause, the teacher continued
In the park the ducks waddled toward the pond
Under the care of Bishop Jean Baptist Lamy, Sante Fe, New Mexico, became an important,
thriving village
ern 15: Object or Complement Before S and V
Object or Subject complement S V
His kind of sarcasm I do not like.
Satisfied with his first draft, good grades he will never have.
No friend of snakes is my sister Jean
Pattern 15a:
Complete Inversion of Normal Pattern
Westward the country was free
Mod S V C)
westward, therefore, lay their hopes
(Mod V S)
westward flew their dreams. The West became
(Mod V S)
for everyone the promised land of milk and honey.
(Prep. Phrase out of pl
between V and SC)
From the guru’s prophecy radiated a faith that ultimately all would be well.
Down the field and through the weeds pranced the little puppy.
Pattern 16: Paired Constructio
Not only
, but also
. (The
may be omitted.)
Just as
, so too
. (may be
or simply
The more
, the
. (may be
the less
The former
, the latter
If not
, at least
* . (*Note that the
if not
at least
construction joins
individual grammatical unit
s, not complete clauses.)
if not praise, at least not blame
Just as the Yankees dominate the World Series, so Tiger Woods dominates the golf world.
The more he tried to please, the less pleased I was
Pattern 16a:
A Paired Construction for Contrast Only
, not
not this
in some place other than the verb position
For some hummingbirds, migration involves a much smaller range, measure in hundreds, not
thousands, or miles.
Hard work, not luck, gets you promotes in business
The judge asked for acquittal
not conviction
Pattern 17: Dependent C
lause (in a
sentence slot
) as Subject or Object or Complement
S [dependent clause as subject] V
S V [dependent clause as object or complement]
NOTE: The dependent clauses in this
pattern, which serve as nouns, will begin with one of the following
who, whom, which, that, what, why, where, when, how
How he did that is still amazing to me.
What man cannot imagine, he cannot create.
Anne never discovered why her
husband bought her a diamond necklace.

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